Genre Swap

This experience will stretch your ears and creative abilities.

The Goal 🥅

Variety is the spice of life. Trying a new genre will make you listen critically to the elements of the music. You’ll push the limits of your skills and need to develop new ones to think and create in a different genre of music.

The Project 🗝

Put your keys in the bowl and go home with some other genre for the night. Create a song or track at least 1 minute long in a genre you have never tried.

The Rules 🚧

1. The genre you choose should be a genre you have never worked in and not close to what you’re used to.

2. Listen carefully to the genre you wish to try before starting.

3. Mix and Master the music yourself.

The Other Projects 🎹

Click here to check out the other projects.

Helpful Links 🔗

Resource Library - Check it out for free downloads of samples, synths and more.